Monday, 15 June 2009

Graph symmetries

Well, after a couple of false starts, I think I have now succeeded in putting a working release of Haskell for Maths on Hackage - v0.1.3 is here.

So, as promised, we can get back to symmetries of graphs.

First a quick recap:
Graphs are represented as G vs es, where vs is a list of vertices and es is a list of edges, where an edge is a two-element list of vertices. For example, the cyclic graph c 5 (the pentagon - the picture on the left below):

> c 5
G [1,2,3,4,5] [[1,2],[1,5],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]]

Using cycle notation, we can think of permutations dynamically as acting on the vertices or edges of a graph.

> 2 .^ p [[2,5],[3,4]]
> [2,3] -^ p [[2,5],[3,4]]

The "p" function constructs a permutation from a list of cycles. p [[2,5],[3,4]] is the reflection of c 5 in the vertical axis, shown in the middle below, which swaps the 2 and 5 positions, and the 3 and 4 positions. v .^ g represents the action of a permutation g on a vertex v. e -^ g represents the induced action of g on an edge e. (An edge just moves where its two endpoints move.)

We say that the reflection p [[2,5],[3,4]] is a symmetry of the graph, because the graph is the same after as it was before. On the other hand, it should be clear from the picture on the right that the permutation p [[1,2]], which swaps the 1 and 2 positions, is not a symmetry:

> [2,3] -^ p [[1,2]]

It moves the [2,3] edge to [1,3], which was not present as an edge in the original c 5.

Here's the code to test whether a permutation h is a symmetry ("automorphism") of a given graph:
module Math.Combinatorics.GraphAuts where

import qualified Data.Set as S


isGraphAut (G vs es) h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
where es' = S.fromList es
(We use Data.Set for efficiency on large graphs.)

Next we would like code to find all symmetries/automorphisms of a graph. Here is a first attempt:
graphAuts1 (G vs es) = dfs [] vs vs where
dfs xys (x:xs) ys =
concat [dfs ((x,y):xys) xs (L.delete y ys) | y <- ys, isCompatible (x,y) xys]
dfs xys [] [] = [fromPairs xys]
isCompatible (x,y) xys =
and [([x',x] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x',y') <- xys]
es' = S.fromList es
We use depth-first search to try build up a list of pairs (x,y), which will represent a permutation which takes each x to the corresponding y. Whenever we add a new pair, we check whether it is compatible with what we have so far - specifically, that whenever {x,x'} is an edge (respectively non-edge) in the graph, then so is {y,y'}, its image after being acted on by the permutation.

We will develop a far more efficient algorithm in due course, but this is sufficient for small graphs. Let's try it out:

> mapM_ print $ graphAuts1 $ c 5

First, we have the identity permutation, which leaves everything where it is. We also have five permutations like [[2,5],[3,4]], which swap two pairs of positions - these are the five reflections, in the axes joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite edge. That leaves four more.
[[1,2,3,4,5]] is the cycle that takes 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5, and 5 to 1. In other words, it's a clockwise 72 degree rotation of the pentagon (except that of course graphs aren't really rigid objects in space - but you get the idea). The other three similar elements are the 144, 216 and 288 degree rotations.

That's it for now. Coming soon: a more efficient algorithm for finding graph automorphisms, and some graphs with interesting automorphism groups.


  1. Very cool! I look forward to reading more. =)

  2. I hope you discuss this at greater length, because I am very eager to see wher eyou are going. Around 1993 I wrote some programs in SML for calculating automorphism groups of graphs. I implemented a dfs algorithm, but I didn't (and still don't) know a better one.

    Also I would like to see how you represent groups. I am hoping that you will use a more space-efficient representation than just a list of elements. I was interested in vertex-transitive graphs, and for these the automorphism group is symmetric, and so the size of the list-of-elements representation is exponential in the size of the graph.

  3. Mark,

    If you want to see where I'm heading, you could take a peek at the source.

    Groups are mainly represented by a list of generators. However, there is also an implementation of Schreier-Sims algorithm, which leads to a representation as a set of transversals for stabilisers. Either way, we can efficiently represent and work with groups with millions or trillions of elements (eg the Rubik's cube group).

    For finding graph symmetries, the main improvement is to use distance partitions to narrow down the choices at each step - that is, having chosen to map x1 to y1, then if x2 is at distance d from x1 (eg distance 1 for a neighbour), then for y2 we need only consider vertices at distance d from y1. When it comes to x3 and y3, we get a kind of triangulation effect, and so on, quickly narrowing down the possibilities.

